Hello & Welcome
I feel like a lemming running in the modern pop culture pack and taking a flying leap off the nearest cliff of virtual vanities. So here I am, adding yet another blog to the world wide web, as if my ventings and expressions really contribute to humanity bettering itself. But I admit, it does make me feel slightly important, even if no one out there ever sees this, and I'm sure it's at the very least therapeutic - so why the heck not!?! Guess I'm taking the plunge. Who knows, maybe in my weak attempt to share my life and spiritual journey, I might just happen to be a blessing to others in the process.

My name is Jé. (pronounced "Jay")
I'm a committed and passionate seeker of and dweller in truth... so I'm a Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ founded on GOD's Word. I'm not a part of any denomination nor organized religion, but simply a child of GOD and member of His universal family. I worship corporately in a great church called Grace Center.
I'm currently studying full-time at Biblical Life College & Seminary, but since I committed my life to Christ, 12 years ago, I've been studying Scripture like crazy, along with compare and contrast and in-depth education surrounding GOD in all His revealed aspects, so learning is more of a career than a life phase for me.
I'm a wife to a wonderful guy (10 years married in May 2006), and I'm a momma-friend to a cat who I've had for just over 16 years.
More to come!
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