Somewhere to Get Covered

It was a great "family of God" experience, which I was totally unprepared for and not even used to anymore, which also took me by surprise. There was great worship (not nearly long enough) and the sermon was good. Unfortunately, there was the "passing of the plate" tradition to collect tithes and offerings, and there was the Lord's Supper taken in like tradition, however the unleavened bread was actual broken pieces of unleavened bread rather than tiny little square crackers - which was refreshing! They have home groups and we've been needing that for a long time. They were all very friendly and made us feel welcome, so my husband and I decided to go back yesterday. Again, a great service (although the worship wasn't long enough) and we got to meet the pastor who impressed me with his sincerity (a quality that isn't in enough pastors), and his passion for Christ Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Even if this isn't a home for us to permanently establish ourselves, it certainly would be a satisfactory place to stay for awhile until God tells us it's time to move. The Four Square denomination is a really good one... open to women in ministry, teaching the full-gospel / charismatic perspective of God's Word, and ministry minded towards those in need. It does lack observing the Mosiac Covenant aspect of God's Word... but don't most denominations lack in that area? Most importantly, it seems like a very good place to plug in and get spiritual covering for what God has for me to do. Maybe we can stay here, or at least stay linked in partnership with this church, while I go through school. I've been praying for a good church for so long, and now it looks like this body of believers is God answering that prayer!
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