Between Classes

So as I lay down my books for a few days, I pick up His Word and meditate on His voice speaking to my spirit. I look forward to slowing down to be in His Presence and simply talk with Him! It's been a long time since I've been on my knees in humble prayer before the Father! Praying - yes, of course, always, or I wouldn't be able to stand at all, but it's been a while since I took real time out of my day to stop doing anything, humbling myself before Him; body, soul, and spirit bowing before Him in worship and prayer. It's about time I get back to that! It's time to lay down worldiness in all it's forms, obvious or subtle, even benign, to seek God and live wholly for Him without distractions. Very appropiate timing I think. As the Feast of Trumpets has come and gone by last week, and the Day of Atonement a couple days ago, and we're now coming up on the Festival of Tabernacles, along with the celebration of Jesus' birth in the flesh! September/October is a holy season, packed full of Days of repentance, rememberance, and coming back to God, renewing our joy and reliance on Him and His salvation. Do all believers feel it too?
The Holy Spirit is moving and calling God's people into a loving relationship with Him - to be restored, healed, empowered, equipped, and resting in Him, allowing Him to work and live in and through us in the world! Nothing can happen without being connected, fixed tight to the Source of all life and power. It's more than my life I live for Him, it's His life - my life is His, bought by His blood - Jesus is my life! Forgive me Lord for letting "stuff" and "busy-ness" get in the way, forgive me for forgetting that I am wholly Yours and nothing of my own. Let me be brought in close where my focus and purpose for all I say and do is centered on You and You alone!
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