The Five-Fold Ministry • Part 1

Under Christ Jesus are Elders, (overseers or presbytery) which should be a team of mature believers who are called and anointed to serve in the position of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, often termed the Five-Fold Ministry. Elders are set up in each local church body by apostles, for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission in that area. Each one does their part to raise up believers to maturity, and they act as an accountability group among themselves, sharing the "vice-president" ranking within the church body equally. Together they protect, guide, train, teach, lead... basically, they equip the church for growth and ministry under the authority and guidance of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. They are servant leaders. (Ephesians 4:11-13; I Timothy 3:1-7; 5:17-19; Titus 1:5-9; 2:1-8; Acts 14:21-23; I Peter 5:1-4; Romans 16:3-10; I Corinthians 3:5-15) .
Under Elders are Deacons, who serve as assistants or understudies to the Elders - ministers who do hands-on ministry with the people in Christ. These would also be pastors or teachers, prophets or evangelists, or servers, helpers, care-givers under the guidance, accountability, and leadership of the Elders. These are servant ministers. They may be life long deacons or are practicing Elders. (I Corinthians 12:28; I Timothy 3:8-13; 4:6-16; Romans 16:1-2, 11-12; I Thessalonians 3:2)
Under Deacons are new converts and those young in the faith. Every believer is given a gift of the Spirit to use to benefit the whole body, but in learning to use those gifts and being placed in purposeful ministry first takes time of growing deep and secure in Christ. Fruits of the Spirit must be given time to strengthen and manifest, and knowledge and understanding of God's Word must be taught to them before they can be entrusted with ministry duties.(Hebrews 6:12-14; Romans 12:4-8; I Corinthians 12:4-12; 14; I Peter 2:1-2; Galatians 5:22-25)
When each level of spiritual authority reaches down and pulls up to their own level the ones directly under them, we are all brought to full maturity in Christ. Jesus does this with the level directly below Him (exampled in His ministry with the 3 disciples, Peter, James, and John), and with those in training (exampled in His ministry with the 12 disciples), and with each disciple (exampled by His ministry with all His followers) - all by means of the Holy Spirit today. But we are His body that He works through together as a whole, meant to be unified and doing His work on the earth. We are given each other, and each with different calls and giftings so that no one can do all the work alone. Elders should be in the business of raising up new leaders to support the growth and additions in the church, as well as leading the church under Christ's direction. When more elders are produced, apostles can send out new teams of Five-Fold Ministers to start up new churches in another area. This is the Biblical example we have for fulfilling God's purpose on this earth.
See next post to continue..."The Five-Fold Ministry • Part 2"
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