
Talk about being challenged to just swallow hard and do it! Based on Nehemiah, Wilkinson really brought out some stuff that I needed to hear - from learning how to recognize what is and isn't a call and vision from God - to discovering practical principles to apply to the vision once you know God has validated it. I think this was brought into my life at the perfect time. I can really see God's hand in this to get inspiration and confirmation to me now. I can also tell this is a real turning point for me in my life and spiritual journey and especially pertaining to what God has purposed for me to do! I've got a lot of praying to do.
I even went on and studied further in Nehemiah and continued to absorb leadership keys within a vision for once it gets moving - which was exciting! Not only do I see the hard work ahead, but I'm convinced the hard work is worth putting my best effort into and giving my last breath for! Only God knows what's ahead, but I'm determined to follow!
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