Father's Day

My dad has been one of the most impactful influences in my life. I grew up most like him rather than my mom - I inherited his sense of humor, his sense of integrity, his virtue in always striving to be better, and a lot of his looks. He spent real time with me when I was young, and gave great advice when I was a teen. He inspired me to be the best I could be, supported my dreams, and caught me when I stumbled and fell all over the place, hurting everyone in my path. He never gave up on me, and did all he could to teach me important lessons and prepare me for my life ahead. Sure, he wasn't perfect - no one is, but the world would be a better place if everyone had a dad like him. He has far more good qualities than bad. I feel blessed to have him as my dad! I appreciate and love him more than he'll ever know!
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
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