Praise God Moment !!!

How awesome He is!!
Words cannot express -
no emotion of love and devotion is strong enough to match His worth!
I was studying God's Word - and meditating on the constant effort God makes to not only save us from ourselves and sin, but to bring us into a close and passionate loving relationship with Himself! And the vastness of it overwhelmed me to being utterly stunned. All human beings are made so that we draw near to Him. Jesus said, "an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:23-24. I realized that when God created human beings, He implanted within us His Spirit and His Truth. God's Law is written in us - we all know God's Law in our conscience - to a very basic degree, all of mankind knows right from wrong, whether we are taught officially or not. We feel guilt when we go against the moral code in our hearts. God also breathed His Spirit into us personally, giving us a spirit. We are the only created beings that were not simply spoke into existence. We have a connection to God through our spirits that make us very aware of eternal life. These two factors are internal proof of God and His desire to be near us. But then we have another external evidence of God and His goodness - this earth, the universe, and all of creation. It's beauty and complex design, it's every detail and it's physical provision for us is a material sign that God loves us, wants good things for us, and provides richly for us. There is no where we can turn without seeing God's incredible love for us through something! Even if we choose to deny what we see and feel, no matter how much we ignore and make up human logic to explain the evidences away - it is pointless to turn to lies rather than accept and be thankful for the truth, because the fact remains... God is God, and we are not - He is our Creator and we are His creation. He makes the standard by which we all must either live by, or declare ourselves "gods" and walk away from His light and love and into darkness and death. And then how greatly we are tormented by sin until we humble ourselves before God and worship Him again in spirit and in truth!
And to top it all off - God, our loving Father, sent a part of Himself into the physical earth so that we can all clearly see and understand Him - in His Son Jesus Christ, and even died so that we may live on in Him!! He tells us over and over in His Word His desire to dwell with us - even though we are weak and divided and pressured to forget Him on all sides. No matter the barriers we put up or fail to tear down between us and Him, He makes a way for us Him to be near us. Because of Jesus, we can come to Him and be completely freed from the bondage of sin - totally forgiven, healed, and made new!
God goes to immeasurable extents to prevent and rescue us from sin and seperation from Him! He makes it nearly impossible to turn from Him to our own ways - yet we succeed in doing just that on a daily basis, because we do not love Him as He loves us. Father forgive us our doubts and our choosing to believe lies over the truth! Father, thank You for Your love and patience and mercy! Cause me to walk in Your love, and to rejoice and revere You in that love. Let me never put my self before You Lord - not my will, but Yours be done!! In Jesus' name... Amen
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