Drummer Man
My husband is a drummer. It's a big chunk of who he is. Even though he plays guitar really well, and writes awesome songs, he's happiest when he's drumming. It's part of what God created him for - which is so great! He's got a band, Dying Man - and it's evolving into how God wants it. I'm so proud of him and love hearing him drum and seeing him play live shows. It's like a whole other personality comes out when he's on stage - but it's one of the greatest parts of who he really is.
He just got a new kit this year, but doesn't really have a place to play them at our house. This weekend - we moved the dinning room around, and set up his kit there. Doesn't he look happy?!

I've always envied his sure purpose in life. He (and everyone around him) knew that he was meant to be a drummer since he was a small boy. Of course, my husband is a fountain of natural talent and intelligence and has lots of different hobbies and interests (some a little out of proportion... UK basketball), not to mention having an huge heart of compassion. But he's had a distinct calling and confidence within himself to his calling to be creative through music, and to use his music as a tool to minister and give glory to God. He has the ability to do just about anything he sets his mind and will to, yet he knows the one thing that God created him for and keeps it forefront without any doubt. Myself, on the other hand - I have far less natural abilities, am just as confident in my calling to a ministry itself, but cannot pinpoint my highest life's service to God, besides loving Him with all I am and doing His will moment by moment. My heart's desire is spread over so vast an area of ministries, that I couldn't even single out my own favorite, much less God's desire for me.
Whenever I get anxious about what I'm suppose to do, my husband is SO great!!! Very supportive - I could start a business, a church, a mission, write books, teach, counsel, start a worship band,... whatever, and he'd be 100% behind me and encouraging me all the way. He always points me back to just getting prepared for "whatever" - because whenever God gives me the purpose, I won't have time to get prepared then. Makes sense. God knows me - better than anyone. My husband is made in such a way that he has to hear from God, and then he needs time to adjust to it, and then commit, and then move - patiently and methodically getting himself physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially ready before he carries it out. God tells him his instructions far in advance just enough so that he will move at His right timing. Me... not so much. I'm like a restless racehorse waiting for the start gun to fire so I can burst out of the gate with reckless abandon. Even now, my extreme impatience keeps me distracted from even getting ready. Rather, I ought to be diligent and faithful in the place where I am and focus on pleasing Him while I grow and prepare for what He has in store for me. Praise God for His patience and mercy for me, and His supreme wisdom in dealing with me. And I thank God for my great husband He's blessed me with!!
Okay. I'm back. I must say, I've worked my way backwards to this entry, and I have been incredibly excited to read your blogs! They are TOOOO cool! In some ways, I TOTALLY relate to you, like with the excitement of indepth study, and in other ways (like your passionate writing and your past discipline for time alone with Jesus) I wish I were more like you. I KNOW all these things will somehow fit into the place God has for you!
May I suggest a book? Live Your Calling by Kevin & Kay Marie Brennfleck. It totally changed my life. This time last year I was just going about life as a stay-at-home mom, but I just felt like it wasn't enough. I wasn't reaching out in ministry because of time constraints, family responsibilities, and other things. But then I got that book. I didn't even finish it before God showed me where He wanted me for the time being. If you want, you can read more about my journey on the About page on BibleStoreBrowser.com.
I WISH you were on Xanga because I have yet to figure out how to subscribe to anybody on Blogger. I know what RSS is, I just keep forgetting how to use it or where to check my feeds!! I need them emailed to me!
Wow! What a compliment and blessing!! Thank you!
And thanks for the book suggestion - I'll definately get that! I'll be checking out your sites and bloggs too!
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